Entering Petsmart. The guy in the tie was looking at me funny. I don't think that is his wife.
They had free cats for $90. In the parking lot of Best Buy.
Cathryn trying to sell folding canopy chairs.
More shopping fun.
Cathryn trying on the clothes. Laura was doing the same thing. Who's Laura? We don't know, but she was really nice and was having as much fun as we were.
Lisa looking for something. Cathryn, its too small.
Cathryn attempting to shoplift a sweater. Her big sister made her put it back. Barbara waited for us in the rocking chairs.
Look closely and you'll see the display for the Foam Swords that got me and Cathryn in trouble.
This is a real store in Lexington. Catchy!
Fun with the dogs.