Thursday, March 20, 2008

Grand Marais Day 2.1

Our North Shore excursion today was fun. We went all the way to the Canadian border. We had originally planned to go into Canada but we thought of it too late to get our passports in order. Maybe next time. We talked to a guy in a local rock shop who told us about an amethyst mine in Canada about 3 hours north of here. For a fee you can go and collect all of the amethyst you can carry out. We might have to try that. The girls got to play in the snow at the indian reservation at Grand Portage,MN. We stopped at the general store and had cappaccino and chai tea. I bought a pair of warm pair of gloves. It was 10 degrees this morning when we got up and 15 after we finished breakfast. The high was 26 so I really needed the gloves. We've seen hundreds of deer alongside the roads. No moose yet but we're watching out.

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