Sunday, March 23, 2008

White Easter

Happy Easter everyone! It started snowing sometime in the night. Everything was covered with a pretty white blanket. Floridians that we are we had to take pictures and play in the snow. We're staying in today. There is a Walmart and a Pizza Hut close to the hotel so we're set until tomorrow when we plan to start heading back south.


Kathy said...

Happy Easter Jim, Lisa and the girls. What a great adventure you are having in the snow. It looks like the girls love playing in the snow. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'd forgotten what falling snow looked like! I thought your camera was malfunctioning to put white dots on the picture. It was great to see the little video, too.

Mary Ann Lewis said...


Jim said...

Cold, yes. It was 5 this morning in Houghton.