Monday, July 7, 2008

Line locate

The guy came to locate the underground utilities today. All he looked for was the phone.The power location is fairly obvious but I hope someone comes to locate the water line.

We had a new bird come to the feeder. It's pretty but we don't know what kind it is. Any ideas?

I got the field out front ready for Gracie. We don't want her to get lost in the high grass! And the pool is ready for Marianne.

The phone line goes out around the back of the garage and then down to the road.

Paris was afraid of the little orange flags. She went around barking at each one.
The fence is going in here where the string is. There will be a gate about half way.
The slab hangs over the end of the foundation. We'll have them put the fence as close as they can get it and then close the gap with biddy wire. At the other end of the yard the fence will stay 37' off of the existing fence and be parallel to it. We wanted it 40' from the edge of the property but it was too close to the pool.

See the string? Thats where the fence will be. See the cow? Well... it's a cow.

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