Another literary reference from Kentucky. Did you get it? The Rose of Sharons have started to bloom. What beautiful flowers! I had never seen one before and we have two bushes loaded with buds. I stopped at The Home Depot to get an anchor kit for the metal building. It seems there might be wind issues with it. While there I picked up a new rake so I could work on fixing the ruts and washouts in the driveway. Paige was ranging while I worked on the driveway.
The flowers are very pretty. I will make that Rice Kripsies on Manday, July 7. That way they will still be fresh when mom and I get there on the 8th. We are thinking about staying until the 11th or the 12th. Only four more days till we get to see you!!!!!
I moved to Kentucky in April of 2008. I lived in Florida for a lot of years before that. I live in KY with my wife, Lisa, and our Shelties, Piper, Paige, Satin, and Paris. Lenny also lives here with us. He's a big Persian cat. We also have two beautiful horses, Hedi and Sundown.
The flowers are very pretty. I will make that Rice Kripsies on Manday, July 7. That way they will still be fresh when mom and I get there on the 8th. We are thinking about staying until the 11th or the 12th. Only four more days till we get to see you!!!!!
Stay as long as you like. I'll try to have the driveway smoothed out by the time you get here.
Anchors for the shed. Now there's a thought. It could prove to be a good thing.
It will be fun when every one is there. I updated my blog yesterday.
Mother got SO tickled about the title of this post!
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