Monday, August 18, 2008

Clothesline in Use

Lisa got to use the new clothesline today. The quilt dried quickly out there. The tension and length were just right. For all of you Florida readers, be sure to hunker down and watch out for the feeder bands.

No. 21 came up to the fence again. She always comes over when we're out there. She likes to watch me mow the grass and always hangs out under the tree by the fence. The girls like to bark at her.


Kathy said...

The quilt looks great out on the line, it blends perfectly with those flowers in the foreground.

Marianne said...

The clothesline looks good. The poor cow can't understand why so is always barked at by the girls.

Cathryn said...

I'm with Kathy. The picture of the quilt on the clothesline in awesome. The purple flowers in the foreground, the endless blue sky in the background. The quilt blowing gently in the breeze. *SIGH* I wanna be there!

Al_from_Florida said...

Looks like your having so muck fun since the move!!! Down in Florida it's rainy, windy and just overall cruddy outside.