Friday, August 15, 2008

Pergola II

We finished putting in the first post for the pergola. I'll put Lisa's clothesline up tomorrow. When we do the other three posts we'll be renting one of those augers like the fence guy used.

I put on one of those galvanised post bases for setting in concrete.

I wore gloves to raise the post this time. I still have splinters in my hands from yesterday. I'm mixing concrete in the green cart. We need a wheel barrow.

Checking for plumb....Tamping the fill dirt. The post hole spike has a flat end for tamping. It's still heavy.

Clean up.

Fun with animation shop.

We dumped the extra dirt in a hole down in the hollow.

Lisa had the camera.

Coming back after getting the mail.


Marianne said...

That horse is just BEAUTIFUL!!! I have never seen a horse pretty, well except for Glory of course. Jim, i am glad to see you are making progress on the pergola.

Marianne said...

P.S. if you want to know how tryouts went check out my blog.

Kathy said...

Love the hat! I have one that is very similar. :-)