Paris chased the cows out of the yard. She's the best cattle herder of the bunch.
Sundown outside the living room window this morning. The bath.
We need a bigger pooper scooper and the doggie dooley is worried.
Pictures and discussion of our adventures
Yeah for that kind of job you really need a wheel barrel and a pitch fork. Just make sure the ptich fork prongs are only about
1 - 2 inches aprat. You may need a second Doggy Dooley!!! XD
So, did Heidi go roll after her bath was over like dogs try to?
If Lisa turned her loose while she was still wet, she's guaranteed to roll.
Heidi has beautiful manners! She did NOT go out and roll. She totally appreciated the work that went into her bath and the fact that it took two of us to accomplish this task. (We're new at this!!)
No...Heidi was afriad you would make her get another bath if she rolled so she decided not to!!! LOL!!!
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