Horses aren't stupid. At least these two aren't. They figured out how to open the chain link gate. And somehow turned the hose on and got fresh water. They left it on, of course. Sundown had a great time running around in the big pasture.
I moved to Kentucky in April of 2008. I lived in Florida for a lot of years before that. I live in KY with my wife, Lisa, and our Shelties, Piper, Paige, Satin, and Paris. Lenny also lives here with us. He's a big Persian cat. We also have two beautiful horses, Hedi and Sundown.
If they are so good at turrning on the hose you should teach them to turn it off!!! LOL!!!
Too funny, Jim! Are you going to charge them for the extra water?
Maybe they wanted another bath!
Soon, you will need a second job to pay for the water bill!
Love the horses! They need hugs.
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