Lisa's walking Heidi up from the hollow to show her where her lick is. She licked it.
She was rubbing on the truck. She hates the flies, thus the repellent. Big hoof.
She seems to prefer the grass on the other side of the driveway. I think she likes it over there because its close to Mr. Reece's cows. They are fascinated by Heidi. Piper had to get groomed too. Her feet were getting shaggy.
Lenny and Paige are keeping Mom and Dad's bed warm. Baloo's dee snaffle came in the mail today. We opened it. You don't mind do you Cathryn? The only reason I know it's a dee snaffle is because it says that on the package.
When you buy salt licks don't get the ones that are all white. They are just salt and meant for cows. The one you got looks good though!!!
No, of course I don't mind that you opened Bahloo's bit. I'm glad it made it there safe and sound.. And Jim don't feel bad.. until about a week ago reading the package would have been the only way I would have known what kind of bit it was either! I'm looking forward to pics of the mini and counting the days..
Oh yes, counting the days is always fun!! A min block, those things are heavy!!! but they'll last a long time, and way better than trying to hang a bucket with the powered mineral (I've tried both with my girls)
O ring and D ring snaffles are easy to tell apart, where the reins go is either a 'D' shape or an 'O' shape, but then again for ya'all new to bits it's harder to handle, there's over 100 different types of bits out there (That's about how many Walkers carries, and I know there's more) I've got an 'O' ring snaffle(actually two, one is on Jazzy's bridle-the other is extra), a Curb, and an English hackmore (or so it says when i bought it) got the bit, i think you're missing the horse for it now. How many more days?
Either 11 or 12 until my horse arrives... I'll know more next week.. I will definitely be arriving in 11 days.
The pictures are great. There will be many shopping trips....I tried to warn you, Jim.
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