Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday in Lexington

I'm in the Library today using their wireless. They let me use one of the private meeting rooms so it's very quiet. This morning I watched a couple of Star Trek Enterprise episodes while I drank my coffee. I did some housework then headed over to IBM to take this picture next to the sign. Tim Ramsdell from Keiser has sort of a Wall of Fame and puts pictures of Keiser students working in the field.

This picture is our floor plan. Sort of. There are a few differences but it is close. If you flip it across the horizontal axis it is more like it.

This is the Google satellite view of the Lexmark campus. I'm on the smaller north campus. The big area south of "New Circle Road" is also Lexmark.

The IBM goose. I think this is the male. They have a nest in the courtyard. People used to be able to smoke out there but the geese chase them away. They have yellow tape up to protect the workers so they won't stumble unwittingly into goose territory.

This is just the walkway I take to get into the building. I wish I knew what kind of trees those are. They are blooming and smell heavenly. The flower pedals fall down like snow flakes as you walk through them. There was a guy at lunch the other day that called them poison trees because he has allergies.

Friday, April 25, 2008

That's the one

I went back to White Turley with the Realtor. I got to see the inside this time. It was messy because the lady overslept and didn't have time to straighten up. There were lots of kid toys everywhere. It was nice inside and big. Huge kitchen and a guest suite with it's own bathroom and walk in closet. So we'll have plenty of room when people come to visit. I made an offer and they accepted it the next day. We are supposed to close before May 20.

This is looking east. The property between the two fence lines down to the road is for sale.

These two are looking west. The five acres here including the pond is also for sale. We plan to make an offer on it and the five acres on the other side when our Florida house sells.

The back with old above ground pool. The two dishes are for HDTV and Internet. They claim to get 6Mbps for the Internet.

The family room from the kitchen.

These are from the guest room. The little girl got in a lot of the pictures. we'll probably put the bed against the oposite wall for better flow between the closet and bathroom.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I had to go back

I went back out to the property yesterday. I took some pictures from the top of the hill leading up to the property. You can see the back fence in this view and the old barn that belongs to the adjacent property. I took a short video on the ride back to Lexington through the country.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm official

I got my ID badge today at IBM. My managager took me on a tour of the facility. He showed me the data center and the cubicle where I'll be working. He didn't have my laptop or system access yet so there wasn't anything for me to do so he said I should go. I have a bunch of stuff to do so that wasn't a big deal.

Looks like a winner

Lisa found this house online and I drove by it. It looks like it might be the one. Beautiful property, 2200 sq. ft. and a garage. It's about 30-40 minutes from work. I didn' get to go inside but I have an apointment for Wednesday to see it.

Friday, April 18, 2008

House hunting

I went out yesterday looking at houses. There were quite a few to see. I liked two of them. Some were nice inside but the land and/or neighborhood was bad. Others, like te one here with the hoses and llamas, were great outside but the house sucked.

I got an apartment today. It's on Bryan Ave. in Lexington. It's kind of a dump but hopefully I won't be in it long.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I left Anne and Bob's this morning and got to Lexington at around 4 pm. The dogs are Gracie and Charlie, a Papillon and a Clumber Spaniel. I was in the area around 2 so I stopped at a couple of the addresses we had from the real estate listings. I liked the one with the brick exterior better but I don't think either one will work out. The white one come with 10 acres but it looked like most of them were over the hill down to the creek bank. I couldn't tell how far away the creek was but it was all wooded. The brick one was wooded too. We were wanting something with pastures. I'm meeting with the Realtor tomorrow. We'll see what she came up with.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

On the way to Kentucky

Anne and Bob's house in Anderson, SC is a little more than half way to Lexington and they graciously invited me to lay over there. They even took me to Golden Corral in Anderson for dinner. When we got home we played with their puppies and watched some TV. I'll head out in the morning when they go to work.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The continuation of the blog

I've decided to continue blogging. We're moving to Kentucky so I'll try to journal our progress. We got the PODS unit yesterday and started loading it today.