Friday, September 5, 2008

Paris' Loves Laundry Day

Lisa changed the sheets and put the old ones on the floor as they wait their turn in the washing machine. As usual Paris made her little nest and sacked out. You gotta love a pile of dirty bed linen.

Paige is keeping the bunk beds warm.

I got the new hard drive. As you can see it's 1000GB or 1TB. Big.

I got a RAID controller to go with it too. It has eSATA and 4 SATA ports. My on board SATA ports are full of course. It only clocks out of the box at 1.5G but you can jump it up to 3G without a problem. My Ultra box runs pretty cold so there shouldn't be a problem.

I woke up Lenny. What a face.


Mary Ann Lewis said...

I am in love with Lenny.

Marianne said...

Paris made a really good neat while paige was keeping the bunk beds warm. Lenny must have had a hard day today. He was yawning pretty big.

Kathy said...

Lenny seems really impressed with the new hard drive.